Know More about the Most Stunning and Beautiful Fishes in the World

The creation of Almighty is wondrous. There are so many beautiful creatures living on this planet. Not only on the ground, also in the deep ocean. Among all of these beautiful creatures, fishes are one of the most wonderful spices in the world that are found in different colors as well as in patterns. The beauty of the fishes mesmerizes us. If you are a fish lover then you might collect a lot of information about fish spices from the different fish identify database. Here we are mentioning the top eight most beautiful fishes in the world.

Eight Most Elegant Fishes in the World

We might have seen different types of beautiful fishes on the discovery channel or magazine, but today we are going to gather more knowledge about these spices. So, follow this page to keep you on track.

  1. Threadfin Butterfly Fish

Threadfin butterfly is one of the most popular fishes in the world, found in many home aquariums. These fishes are approximately 9 inches long and very calm in nature. Due to this reason, these can be easily photographed in deep underwater.

They are pearly white to have bright yellow color towards the tail end and have diagonal black lines within the body. These are put in large tanks and easily accommodate with aquarium life.

  1. Symphysodon Discus 

In comparison to other aquarium fishes, Symphysodon Discus is the most intelligent fish. Due to their characteristics, these fishes behave differently according to their moods. Symphysodon is found in several colors like blue, reddish, golden, etc. They love socializing and are always found in groups.

  1. French Angel Fish

French Angelfish resides in Caribbean seas and is the sub-species of angelfish. They have a strong pale mouth and yellow and black stripes all over the body. The size of the French Angelfish is 24 inches. They mostly prefer to live in isolated reef systems and rocks.

  1. Clown Fish

Clown fishes are found in 28 different species and mostly inhabit in coral reefs. They are best known for their colorful appearance as their body is orange and has three brighter distinctive white bars. Clown fishes are the fast swimmer and can make quick movements while swimming. Though they born as males but could transfer into females at their growing stage.

  1. Betta Fish

Betta fish is also one of the popular home aquarium fishes. They are called fighting fish because of their aggressive nature. They are bright in colors as well as have unique tails. As they are capable of taking breath or oxygen directly from the air, they are known as the labyrinth fish.

  1. Moorish Idol

The Moorish idol, a famous aquarium fish is found in the smallest size and resides in the Indian Ocean, South Africa, and Japan. They have yellow and black ribbons all over their body. Moorish Idol loves socializing and always travels in large numbers. They reside in coral reefs and roam around the surface of the ocean.

  1. Triggerfish

Triggerfishes are available in 40 different species, found in the Eastern specific Ocean. The length of the larger Triggerfish is 3.3 meters. They can easily hunt with the help of their strong, tough teeth. Triggerfish have an oval shape and different types of colors within their body such as yellow, green, and blue.

  1. Regal Angelfish

Though Regal Angelfish are beautiful and colorful, they are not easy to keep in an aquarium. They are 10 inches long and require a larger tank to keep. They choose to live in rich coral reefs as well as in cracks or caves. The specimens found in the red sea or Indian ocean are the best for home aquariums. Though there are a few left and could survive as they get infected by chemicals. If you buy Regal Angelfish then make sure you keep them separate for a few weeks as they don’t prefer to live in a captive life.

Reach Out to Us

Hopefully, the aforementioned information will be helpful for you. If you want to keep yourself updated or looking for more fish related information feel free to visit our website or leave us a message in the comment section. Our team will respond to you soon.


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